//Moustache and Vintage
Dec holidays

Thursday, November 29, 2012 By:Your Name 8:17 PM | 0 Comment [s]

Just watched Dairy of a wimpy kid 3.
Yea "summer" didnt work out as i plan to be but it will all work out in the end.

Cant wait for the guitar concert and standard chartered run tml. Gonna be an awesome weekend!:) Since im not in OGL, Im gonna focus on studies and spam voluntary work. Actually Im not really sad that I didnt get in. It's just that i actually tried but I didnt get in! And the interview was a total out-that-to-kill-my-rep sort of thing. Not that I have much of a reputation to keep up. But trust me that was 2 mins of my life that I never wanted anyone to know. And this goes in to the list of the moments you dont want your groom to see on the day of the wedding. There is only one way to describe me then. SOCIALLY AWKWARD RETARDED GIRL.

Im kinda nervous for the guitar concert. Im really not a good player. I think i am more cut out for sports than music. I can paint and draw. For sports, I can be better if I want to. As for music, Im a can only say im not muscially incline. There's a reason why I stopped learning piano when I was young.
In Singapore, all parents send their child to extra classes when they are young if they can afford it. The whole kiasu drama.  First place goes to ENRICHMENT COURSES. Second place going to PIANO. And last but not least BALLET (girls) /TAKWANDO (guys) /SWIMMING ( BOTH). I've been to Abacus classes ( got a cert for it, but I have no idea how to do it now), phonics classes ( believe it or not, it was fun!), acting classes ( TeeHee the teacher love me), drawing classes (love it), piano classes (Love the stickers I got whenever I played the piece well. And FYI I quit the moment the teacher told me Im going grade 1!) and swimming classes ( I enjoy it<3). They were all awesome. I always wanted to learn ballet but my dad said it was useless so they signed me up for piano. And yea me and music doesnt really click. I love music. But playing is a different issue. Im not that bad at it, it's just that I lose interest very quickly.

Talking about ARTS, I have a girl friend who can drawing really well and she in AEP, play the cello and is in ballet grade... I forgot but she is going to take diploma soon I guess. And another guy friend who can play guitar, violin, piano, trumpet and his studies is good too. THESE PPL ARE GENIUSES. They shoud pass me some of their music talents.

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