//Moustache and Vintage

Sunday, November 18, 2012 By:Your Name 12:38 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Had the best dreams in my life. Okay one of thebest dreams in my life. Woke up at 1 plus partly because i was sick. Had a lot of dreams but i can only remember two of them.

I dreamt that i went to Shinee's concet in Singapore. More of like their rehersal before the big concert. I MANAGE TO GET THE FIRST ROW. AND I DEFINITY NEVER BEEN THAT HIGH IN MY DREAMS BEFORE. They played games and I GOT JONG HYUN TO CYCLE ME!! HAHA Well it wasnt those normal bicycle it's more like a kid bicycle!! Nevertheless it was funny and really cute. And in my dream my bestie was there with me. YAY! Nothing is better than having your bestie with you through the great times. I guess it's a sign that i should go collect my SHINEE CONCERT TICKETS<3.

The bike actually looks like that. Haha abit pathetic but imagine how funny it is when Jong Hyun was struggling with it.

Well another dream was that my ex wrote letters to me and we were friends again. I really like this dream. What's with the unwritten rule that once you broke up with your boyfriend you guys can never be friends again. All breakups end with 'I hope we can still be friends.. BLAH BLAH'. But we all know it never happens. My cousin said that if any couples that broke up are still friends, there can only be three possibilites. One, Both of them never truly love each other before. Second, one of them still have feelings for another. Thirdly, Both still have feelings for each other. It's not that i still have feelings for him, but we used to be really good friends. And i hate it that i lost a really good friend. Because I dont let people easily into my heart, be it girlfriends or boyfriends. Or once they are inside I would hate it if they were to leave.

Did abit of research regarding dreams...So...

Ernest Hoffman, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Newton Wellesley Hospital in Boston, Mass., suggests that "...a possible (though certainly not proven) function of a dream to be weaving new material into the memory system in a way that both reduces emotional arousal and is adaptive in helping us cope with further trauma or stressful events.  
 * well it was a happy dreams and i was emotionally stress lately so i guess these dreams do help me relax.

Sigmund Freud’s theory of dreams suggested that dreams were a representation of unconscious desires, thoughts and motivations. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic view of personality, people are driven by aggressive and sexual instincts that are repressed from conscious awareness. While these thoughts are not consciously expressed, Freud suggested that they find their way into our awareness via dreams.

Freud wrote that dreams are "...disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes."

*okay. I do want a front row position in Shinee's concert and be friends with my ex again. Bingo

Guess what? Women tend to have more frequent dream recall than men

And i found something about Lucid dreaming. A lucid dream is any dream during which the dreamer knows they are dreaming. I know i am dreaming most of the time. I always thought that it's normal to know that ya dreaming in your dream.

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