//Moustache and Vintage
Let's welcome Feb

Thursday, January 31, 2013 By:Your Name 7:45 AM | 0 Comment [s]

I wanted to blog afew days ago but there was exams, guitar and blah blah blah. Omg I think this is gonna be a really long post.

Okay firstly, my math test and econs test is over so YAY! Okay to say the truth I aint a very good student. I dozed off in lecture like all the times but I mean who dont? I spaced out and stoned when I should be paying attention. And I always doodled on my lecture notes cuz I was just too bored! So while studying I found this
I dont know if you guys can actually read the words but it is totally hilarious! We were drawing what we think of each other's brain. Apparently Crystal's brain is fill with love and marriage. HAHA! #Stupidthingswedowhenwearebored:)
Last week, alot of my friend had their birthday!
Alisia's birthday and she got birthday bash pretty badly!

On JiaQi's birthday, SinNee came into Singapore we crash into AJ and gave her a surprise birthday visit! It was so awesome. She was really surprise to see us there. Guess what we bought her? Victoria's Secret panties! I should have taken a pic of those panties. They were really sexy and pretty! I met alot of Bpians there. And we pranked afew of them saying "We transfered into AJ", "Retained" and SinNee said "She few all the way from Austrialla just for her birthday" but the truth is she came back to malaysia from Aust a month ago.
Also, My little brother bought me a earpiece because I spoilt my Beats earpiece and I was complaining that I cant survive my day without one. So he bought me this. I really didnt expect him to buy me one because I was hinting my dad to get me another one or I'll just have to use my own money. This is the first gift he bought for me and although the music quality isnt very good but I STILL LOVEEEEE IT!:)

Okay lastly... I have a friend who can be quite quite insensitive and he always says the wrong things. Like he said my hands aint pretty, Im hairy, my complexion isnt very good, my friend need to lose weight and all the shitty things that no girls would want to hear. As much as I like him as a friend, he is a jerkhole when it comes to saying the right things to girls. I was alittle self-conscious about my whole figure, looks and yea practically everything. Today, when Wenshuo was talking about his celery-tomato juice (P.s it taste horrible but it is really good for your health) and I thought I heard sth about growing tall. I cut in and ask if he said drinking that would make me grow taller. Then later on he sent me this

It was soooo sweet of him! And this sort of made my day! So Im in a really good mood today:). Seriously more guys like this should exist.
The J1s are coming in tml and I cant wait to crash their OGs. I know I mean but can they dont come in. There wil be long queues in the canteen and everywhere will be so crowded!:( Ciao!:)

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