//Moustache and Vintage
Eat pray love

Friday, May 10, 2013 By:Your Name 7:35 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Why did I name my blog post this? Cuz I just feel like it! You got problem with it? I don't care cuz it's my blog so shoo. And now that my cca is over I can focus more on my life. Truthfully, I didn't even like eat pray love movie. I was so bored when I watch the movie. Okay Im not the kind who don't appreciate literature play or  intellectual movie. But I was watching it with "the love of my life" so I was disinterested in divorce and finding my true self and blah blah blah. Maybe if I were to watch it now I would love it and maybe be crazy enough to give up everything to go travelling. #YOLO I remember talking throughout the whole movie and time to time saying sth like " Which country is she at?"

As I was saying, my cca is over. Last week was my last cca day which also happened to be my guitar concert. Yea Im gonna miss my cca mates and my cool friends who can strum any song you name it. Will miss my junior who looks twice as handsome but still blur when playing guitar. Will miss my cloud and blur alisia who been through shit with me in the exco team. Will miss Leon who never fail to make me laugh though he can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Will miss all my exco mates. <3 I really wanted to spam pics to show you how awesome my section and ensemble is but there seem to be a problem who blogger or is it just my com. I CANT SEEM TO LOAD MY PICS. Nuuuu :(
The concert was like a happy ending  to a beautiful fairy tale. I cant say my section song is great. Things screw up and I end up sharing score with 2 other people. After I went back stage I realise my section mates couldnt find the score on their stand so they had to share it with four people. OMG he couldn't see shit so he had to fake half of it. He was so stress when we went back stage. Cant blame him though we did rehearse and the score was there previously. So... to relief stress WE PLAYED BRIDGE IN THE HOLDING ROOM. Haha We had to hid it from our teachers and I guess it really did help relief stress. Bridge is really our thing. Before our teachers lectured  us and forbid it during sectionals there used to like 3 to 4 group bridging during section break.

I was reading To Forget You by Low Kay Hwa (second time). It is a book about first/true love. It did bring back a lot of memories of mine and I felt really depress after reading it.
                                                         I think it is a story we can relate.
Maybe it's not about forgetting the love but remembering the love.
I am willing to cry two hours alone just to kiss you for a second.

I really believe that whoever who had  gone through first love or their first love is their last are really strong. We go out on the streets, see couples and we are like: "Aww so sweet." But we never thought about what they've been through. When I was reading the book I was touched and though it is not real I want them to last from the bottom of my heart. I witness my guy friends trying and fighting for the girl they like. So Im thinking like hey we don't see the full efforts they put in or the amount of tears that were shed throughout the whole relationship. The couple that fought the hardest last the longest. I remember the hard ache I felt. I wanted to dug my heart out so much then. So I really think that all true love is really amazing. So to those out there facing a bump in their relationship don't give up! Things maybe not always be what they seem. To those fighting for the girl they like, brave souls thumbs up(Y). To my partner who may never read this. Why you so emo these days? And to dragon, you wil find your when time is right. To my crystal, LOVE ON<3.

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