//Moustache and Vintage
The start of something new

Thursday, July 10, 2014 By:Your Name 6:03 AM | 0 Comment [s]

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.” - Eric Roth

This is one of my favourite quote. I've got this pin up on my wall. The past month had been a blessing. I met lots of people, made many friends and found those that my heart could connect with. It was a hectic month but I would'nt want to miss any part it. I just came back from Korea. Before the trip, there was Arts camp, Psych camp and work. This loooonnngggg holiday also gave me time to do more things with the people I love. And me and Marcus made up! So we are gay good friends again. (This is the first major friendship fight I had and we didnt talk for half a year... Glad it is all over now:))  The only thing I felt sad of is that it has been some time since I went for MINDS due to all the commitments I have. 

The past few months allowed to meet people with different point of views and the beauty of life. Though organsing the Youth Entrepreneurship Symposium was not easy, all the people I met there made work so much more enjoyable. Most of us came from different backgrounds. There were Malaysians, Vietnamese, Koreans, Indonesians, Chinese and Singaporeans. We played pranks on each other, crack jokes, played bridge and slack at wrong timings and most importantly we help one another. It's crazy to see how teamwork was played out during the event itself.

 Arts camp was a blast. Everything was loud and fierce. Truth be told I dont consider myself as a camp kind of person. Im lazy and food and sleep mean a big deal to me. But I have to say I love it. However, it's easy for me to open up to people. I guess I make friends easily. Mostly because I dont judge one's personality by it's cover. So I pretty much suck at first impression game. Part of the reasons why I suck at first impression game also because I dont remember people that well. I probably need 3 days to remember your name. I met friends who I can connect well with and we are planning to take the same modules together!^^

Psych camp is kinda different from Arts camp. It's less rara.  But we bonded so fast, it was unbelievable. We took like 30 photos on the first day we met and after 4 days of camp >500. I was totally being myself there. I felt that everyone is as honest as I am. They gave me a feeling of my lower secondary school friends. Haha i dont think I have any image left. My true colour ( My noisiness and blurness) was blown on the first day. I left my wallet at least three times and dropped my photo in my ogmate room once. And their first impression judgement of me was crazily funny. I got the clubber, heartbreaker, badass, bimbo, rich, quiet first impression. Then they realise how wrong they were. OKAY BIMBO PART WAS A BINGO. Also, this is one crazy stir-shit og. We coupled everyone up. And seriously we everything also can stir and ship. Our HTHT talk was more than memorable. WOW Sleeping at 5am and waking at 7am but we still got energy to catch The Fault In Our Stars when camp break. They took really good care of me. One of the guy even gave me a bracelet as safe travel gift after he knew Im going Korea. 

 Love these bunch of people. Less than three! I really dont know how they make me feel like I've known them for months when we've only met for 4 days.

My korea trip pictures are everywhere and I cant seem to find my memory card:(. Will tidy up and post next time. Sheares camp and oweek camp are coming soon!! Yes Im going stay in hall. Wanted to be roomies with my bestie but she failed to get the offer. :( So Im not sure what to feel about the whole hall stay now... 

Till next time<3

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