//Moustache and Vintage
Goodbye 2014

Thursday, January 1, 2015 By:Your Name 9:21 AM | 0 Comment [s]

How time flies and now 2014 is coming to an end. Last new year I prayed that 2014 will be a good year. And indeed thank god it has been a good year. I cant say Im proud of my A level results or Uni Sem 1 results. But 2014 brought many new blessings  into my life. I met new people who I really care about.

Like I say my Sem 1 results hadn't been good. The highest I scored was only B+ and I got a C+. Sadly it is my stats who got  C+ which means I wont be able to major in psych. That morning when I got the news of my stats result it really tore me apart. Psych was my best subject and it sucks to know that I cant do what Im interested in cuz of stats. Then this senior asked me: What are you gonna do with psych? Or in other words, what are you gonna do with a FASS degree? Of course I thought these through before. It would be too idealistic of me to go into FASS purely base on passion. But his question set me thinking again. For all you know not making it for stats might be a blessing in disguise.

Im grateful for friends who stayed with me through the bad and good. Secondary school friends, Jc friends and now hall friends. Grateful for friends who would gently wake me up and be my morning human alarm even though I tend to get whiny in the awakening process. N mind you my morning face is horrible.
Friends who would cook supper for me cuz Im hungry. Friends who despite knowing how unmarrable I am and how unglam I get still accepts me in anyway.
Friends who would wait for me to shower cuz they knew I hate showering alone and friends who would wait for me outside the toilet or sing at the top of their lungs to let me know Im not alone on the level. Friends who would jio me for supper though we usually end up taking too long to decide to eat or not till sheares supper was over.
Friends who would pull me out of bed to study when I get too lazy. Friends who I can speak my mind freely with and remind me it's okay to fall in love.

Thankyou for being in my life. Love ya all deep deep

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