//Moustache and Vintage
Give love a try

Wednesday, May 20, 2015 By:Your Name 10:15 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Another sem has officially ended. Year 2 in 3 mths time... WOW. Year 1 was amazing and I think joining Sheares Hall was my biggest take away in my Y1 life. Never would I imagine myself to be in the cast for SP. Surrounded by talented people who are able to dramatize everything effortlessly did make me feel insecure and inferior, but also they allowed me to discover a side I never knew I had. Im going Chiang Mai this Saturday for OCSP. Cant wait to meet the kids there. There's so much I wanna give yet I know there is little I can give.

Year 1 taught me kindness and forgiving. Hall life like college or pretty much everywhere you go, has got it's shit.
But Im glad that people were kinder than expected. Ass human we make mistakes, we throw words we don't mean but those words end up hurting people. Who ever who said "sticks and stones make break my bones, but will never break me" clearly haven been a victim before. Forgiveness heals them all.

Year 1 taught me love. Who to trust and who to not. N sometimes even if the future seems unclear... Give love a try.

This guy... who I called a little shit unintentionally. Who went out with me just cuz I wanted to wear a formal dress out. Who accepts me despite my unconventional jokes and straightforwardness. Who still kisses me when my face is full of pimples. Who make my day hella better. Thankyou for walking in:).

You know I never thought we would be a thing. We are so different in so many ways. I admit sometimes the differences scare me. He is so loud and annoying at times. Hahaha N interracial relationship is hard. I know that. I don't get why people kept hinting me like as if I didn't know it's a interracial relationship. I've always thought that 21st century people are liberal but they are clearly not... Most cases, society is still not accepting of interracial relationship. Okay technically he is Chinese. We are taking baby steps here and there are people out there questioning our future. Hey You never know if it's gonna work out anyway no matter if your partner is of the same race. I wish I was stronger sometimes. It's not that easy to push people's judgement and comments aside. Then I remember this mermaidzing song taylor swift wrote.

Seems like there's always
Someone who disapproves,
They'll judge it like they know about me and you,
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do,
The jury's out,
And my choice is you.

So don't you worry your pretty little mind,
People throw rocks at things that shine,
And life makes love look hard,
The stakes are high,
The waters rough,
But this love is ours,

Read more: Taylor Swift - Ours Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Yeap long live Taylor!

And of course year 1 taught me to study harder for year 2.
This is how I feel when I took  theatre mod! HA But honestly it is the most enjoyable mod I've taken so far.
My 3 mths holidays is packed with camps and I really love what Im doing now. Designing shirts and posters. Making new friends while going crazy with old friends. The only thing that suck is that Im broke. My crazily packed holidays made finding a job really tough. Speaking of crazily pack holidays... Me and my bf matched our schedule and had a laugh at the pathetically little time we have tgt. Well, such is life. Im sure we'll treasure the little time we have.

Current wish:  University of Michigan for SEP

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